Initial of HP Switching

HP A5500 EI 48Port and HP A5120 EI 48Port

Config IP Address
  1. Connect HP Switching by Serial Port.
  2. Run "Hyper Terminal"
  3. Use COM port connected.
  4. Port Setting is
    1. Bits per second = 9600
    2. Data bits = 8
    3. Parity = None
    4. Stop bits = 1
    5. Flow control = None
  5. Enter 2 time.
  6. system
  7. [HP] int v 1
  8. [HP-Vlan-interface1] ip address [IP Address] [Subnet Mark]
  9. [HP-Vlan-interface1] quit
  10. [HP] ip route 0 [Gateway]
  11. [HP] save
  12. Confirm is Y.
  13. Enter for use default filename.
Add User
  1. [HP] local-user admin >>>>>>>> Add username is admin
  2. [HP-luser-admin] password cipher [Password]
  3. [HP-luser-admin] service-type telnet terminal
  4. [HP-luser-admin] authorization-attribute level 3
  5. [HP-luser-admin] dis this  >>>>> Display user admin information
  6. [HP-luser-admin] quit
  7. [HP] user-interface vty 0 15
  8. [HP-ui-vty0-15] authentication-mode scheme
  9. [HP] save
  10. Confirm is Y.
  11. Enter for use default filename.
  12. Overwirte is Y.


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